Field Trips
Westview Theatre Company provides the opportunity for students to attend two off-campus theatre festivals (as optional field trips). We attend the Fullerton Festival every year, and typically attend the CETA Festival every other year. Participation in theatre productions is not required in order to attend these festivals.
Attending the Fullerton College High School Theatre Festival is an exciting opportunity for our students. As of 2024, performance competition events have been discontinued, but students can compete in Tech Olympics and/or tech design events. There are also opportunities to attend a variety of workshops.
Attending the California Educational Theatre Association High School Theatre Festival is a great opportunity for our students to see four fully produced high school plays of exemplary quality, and selected scenes from other outstanding productions, and to attend a wide variety of theatrical workshops. In addition, our seniors have the opportunity to compete for scholarships and recognition in Acting and Technical Theatre.
Our fall play is adjudicated by CETA, and if it places first in our region, we perform the entire play at the festival. If it places second or third, we perform a scene from the play. WVTC has performed 3 first-place plays and 4 scenes at the CETA festival.