Parent Volunteering

Westview Theatre Company productions and events would not be possible without the volunteer efforts of our amazing parents!

Main Stage Productions

For main stage productions (the fall play and musical), all parents of cast and crew are requested to sign up for at least one volunteer shift:

Many jobs only take one hour and can be done the night you attend the show. The volunteer sign-up link is posted on Slack.

Other Productions and Events

Volunteer sign-up information will be posted on Slack.

All parents are part of the Theatre Boosters and are welcome to attend board meetings. Meetings are held about once per month, and the rest of our communication is done on Slack.

We always welcome new volunteers on the board. Please contact the Booster President for information on any open board positions. Training and support are provided! 

Please consider shadowing this year for next year’s open positions (currently held by parents of seniors)., or let us know what skills/interests you have and we will get you involved!

Booster Board Responsibilities